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B2B sellers wish for only one thing over all: clarity!

Clarity on what they are selling, whom they are selling. And the answers to all these questions lie in harnessing the untamed power of B2B sales intelligence encompassing a wide variety of insights obtained across their target accounts, industries, and buyer profiles.

They need clear insights on:
. Which accounts to target
. The buying propensity of their target accounts
. Who are the buying committee members in an account
. Which persona to engage at an account
. The pain points and buying intent of the persona

With companies capturing data from multiple disparate sources- B2B database providers, marketing & sales stacks, CRMs, etc., it is critical for the GTM teams to move away from data overreach to an intelligence-driven mindset.

Here are 5 ways in which B2B enterprises can convert buyer insights into revenue:

  • 1

    Uncover in-market accounts

    One scary truth for any B2B sales team is that only 10% of their TAM is in-market at any given time. Without visibility into this 10% of in-market accounts, sellers end up chasing dead leads, losing customers to competitors. AI-powered B2B sales intelligence lifts the veil on the ‘dark funnel’- tracking activities of an account signaling when it's in-market.

    These signals include:
    • Website visits
    • New sales and marketing initiatives
    • Comparing vendors to your products/services
    • Researching products/services or topics based on your industry

  • 2

    Spotting key decision-makers within in-market accounts

    Once an account is identified as in-market, the next step is to throw light on the buying committee members and key decision-makers to engage. With accurate and updated buyer intelligence, companies can build personalized outreach cadence for each individual buyer at each target account.

    These insights include:
    • Buyer profile
    • Experience
    • Title
    • Interests
    • Pain points
    • Contact database
    • Website activities
    • Social media engagements

  • 3

    Sharpening competitive positioning

    With GenAI-curated industry intelligence, businesses can identify emerging market trends, discover new technology use cases, conduct competitor benchmarking, and map key industry drivers. Since you already have insights into your in-market accounts and buyer personas, industry intelligence will help you better position your brand, highlighting your USPs and tailoring solutions differently than your competitors to align with your buyer pain points.

  • 4

    Harmonizing sales and marketing efforts

    Most sales and marketing teams have different intelligence repositories, leading to duplicated efforts and missed opportunities. With a unified B2B sales intelligence solution, both marketing and sales can feed from the same set of company and contact database to build hyper-personalized messaging from marketing-qualified lead stage to sales-qualified lead stage and deal conversions.

    Instead of capturing data from multiple sources, B2B sales and marketing teams can all share the same account, industry, and buyer intelligence directly with Denave. This leads to consistent workflows and messaging, ensuring faster conversions.

  • 5

    Leveraging AI to identify the best course of actions

    Even with the updated B2B sales intelligence repository, sometimes the hardest part for B2B sellers is leveraging the intelligence to kickstart buyer engagement. B2B sales intelligence can efficiently pinpoint sellers to the right accounts and provide insights on what type of activity will influence the right buyer at the right time.

    With an AI-powered B2B demand generation solution, enterprises can build an intelligence-driven hyper-personalized outreach cadence to build a robust pipeline of high-intent leads and accelerate conversions.

In conclusion

Harnessing the power of B2B sales intelligence is crucial for navigating the complex landscape of modern business-to-business transactions. By implementing the strategies outlined above, companies can transform raw data into actionable insights that drive revenue growth. From identifying in-market accounts to engaging key decision-makers and refining competitive positioning, each step contributes to a more targeted and effective sales approach.

Moreover, by harmonizing sales and marketing efforts and leveraging AI-driven solutions, organizations can streamline processes and maximize the impact of their outreach efforts. Ultimately, embracing a data-driven mindset is not just a competitive advantage but a necessity in today's dynamic marketplace, where clarity and precision pave the way to sustained success.

Denave is on Designhush. Check it out here.

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